Ido Cohen

Practicing my Blogging skills and writing mainly about my latest project - MapChat

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MapChat: A super simple location based chat in about 400 lines of code

This demo app is hosted on GitHub pages and uses a Vert.x SockJS server deployed on a single core Azure machine. This tiny lightweight Vert.x server served hundreds of concurrent users and could be scaled horizontally with very minimal effort. The whole app runs on a 0$ budget, with the server running on the free tier azure instance and the static content being hosted and served from GitHub Pages.


Vert.x, which is sometimes viewed as the Node.js for Java world, is a modern, lightweight framework to build reactive applications running on the JVM. I wanted to get into Vert.x framework, on which I heard very good impressions, by implementing something with it and this is the result. This approach (stateless reactive servers) can be upscaled by running additional vertices on the same machine, with every vertical utilizing approximately one of the server cores, or by clustering additional...

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Embed MapChat in your website

  • Simply add this iframe to your website:
    <iframe id="mapchat" type="text/html" width="640" height="480"
  • The minimum recommended size it 640x480.
  • It is recommended to embed private map chats by using a unique topic.
  • Come talk about it on MapChat main.
  • Checkout MapChat on GitHub!

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